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Updates on Entry Requirements for Birding Tours in Costa Rica, August, 2021

It's been well over a year since travel was halted by Covid-19. In some places, people could barely go to the corner store much less fly to another country. However, with increasing rates of vaccinations, restrictions have been lifted bit by bit, here and there. Thanks to lower rates of Covid than some other places, and an increase in vaccinations, Costa Rica been open to travel for several months. Soon, it will be even easier to visit this great birding nation, especially if you are vaccinated. Check out the latest entry requirements and recommendations for a birding tour to Costa Rica:

Health Pass

Filling out an official health form is still needed to enter Costa Rica. This "Heath Pass" must be completed within 72 hours of travel from your home country and has been required since Costa Rica opened its borders in fall of 2020. Completing this form is quick, easy, and necessary.

Vaccinated? Travel Insurance No Longer Needed!

The biggest news is that as of August 1st, 2021, if you have proof of vaccination or are under 18, you won't need to buy any special travel insurance!

While travel insurance is a popular and wise choice, it won't be an entry requirement for vaccinated people who:

  1. Have received either the Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

  2. Have received the final vaccine dose of that vaccine at least 14 days before entering Costa Rica, and

  3. Who can show official proof of vaccination with the person’s full name, date of each dose, formula, and the lot number (for visitors from the USA, the Covid-19 vaccination record card meets these requirements).

Folks 18 and over who have not been fully vaccinated will still need a special type of insurance with the following coverage stipulations:

  1. Valid for the entire stay in Costa Rica.

  2. $50,000 USD for medical expenses, including from COVID-19.

  3. $2,000 USD for lodging expenses in the event of COVID-19 quarantine.

Good Optics

Ok, high quality binos nor cameras are officially needed to enjoy birds anywhere but we sure recommend them! Do yourself a favor and make sure your optics are up to par for satisfying, lifer worthy views of fantastic hummingbirds, tanagers, and so much more waiting for you in Costa Rica.

You don't want to miss out on taking in the full beauty of Golden-hooded Tanagers.

Be Ready to see Hundreds of Beautiful Tropical Birds

Another main recommendation is being ready to experience literally hundreds of fantastic, beautiful birds. Yes, that many. With more than 900 species on the official list, Costa Rica has more than enough birds to look at and many of them are at sites geared for birding and bird photography.

They include such fantastic and beautiful birds as the Northern Emerald Toucanet,

Purple-throated Mountain-gem, and

Resplendent Quetzals.

Yes, the birding in Costa Rica is everything you have heard about and more. It's waiting and visiting is about to be easier than ever. Tell us about your target birds and what you would love to capture on camera. We would love to hear from you, we love talking about birds!


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