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3 Essentials for Better Bird Photography in Costa Rica

Bird photography in Costa Rica is exciting, fun, and, most of all, replete with fantastic tropical birds. Not just a few birds either but literally hundreds of stunning species.When it comes to Costa Rica birds, there are more tanagers than Scarlet, Western, or the redbirds of Summer. Tanagers in Costa Rica can also be Emerald (like the bird below),


and Bay-headed.

Costa Rica has plenty of birds and amazingly, even the tanagers shown above are common (!) but getting the absolute best shots of the greatest variety of birds requires more than a bit of luck. Based on years of guiding bird photographers and our own bird photography experiences, we have come to regard these three recommendations as being essential for improving your bird photo trip to Costa Rica.

Bring Extra Batteries, Bring Everything You Need!

Most bird photographers pack their gear with care. We do the same but we can't emphasize enough the importance of planning in advance and making sure you have everything you think you might need before you step off the plane in Costa Rica. Did you bring at least two extra batteries? Charging packs?Every lens you think you may need? Every possible piece of gear in good working order? It pays to double check and not just the night before your trip to Costa Rica. Check at least a month in advance; once you arrive in Costa Rica, it will be too late.

In Costa Rica, you'll be hard pressed to find any sort of replacement gear because there are very few camera stores and they probably won't have what you are looking for. Make double sure you have all you need well before your trip.

Visit More than One Best Place for Bird Photography

The best Costa Rica bird photo tours visit several "best sites". In Costa Rica, birds are just about everywhere but quality shots are much easier at sites where birds come to the photographer, at sites with water features, and at places with everything from owls to Snowcap hummingbirds.

Yes, this bird is real! And we know where to find them...

Hire Local, Experienced Guides

Whether shooting birds in Costa Rica, Ecuador, or Madagascar, you'll always see more when working with a local, experienced guide. These are the guides who have many years of experience looking for birds, taking pictures of birds, and helping other people get money shots of birds, monkeys, frogs, and more. A good local guide also knows how to manage and resolve logistics and ensure that their clients have a fantastic life experience. At least, that's what we believe and strive for.

To learn more about fantastic bird photo opportunities in Costa Rica, contact us today. We look forward to helping you focus in on Emerald Tanagers, toucans, macaws, and more of the beautiful birds of Costa Rica.


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